Posts Tagged 'you tube'

To sweaters and simplicity: Mister Rogers and Me

“I feel so strongly that deep and simple is far more essential than shallow and complex.”

That was part of a conversation Mr. Rogers had with MTV producer, Benjamin Wagner, the summer Wagner’s family rented a Nantucket cottage next to the sweatered one. Benjamin and his brother have been making a documentary about this endearing soul for eight years, and are still fundraising to finish.

Here’s the sweet trailer.

And here’s more info on the film and their fundraising efforts.

My own baby brother is now 41, but when he was a toddler, and I was his big sister, we spent many afternoons watching Mr. Rogers. I know Mr. Rogers wasn’t as cool as Sesame Street, but somehow we (or at least I) had an affinity for him. He was a Presbyterian minister, and we were Presbyterian. He was gentle, and kind, and had these odd puppets. For some reason, I thought he was respectful when he had conversations with the trolley, the puppets, and every single person in the neighborhood. I didn’t think he was creepy  at all (though I have had many laughs over Eddie Murphy’s SNL skits), but endearing and thoughtful. Like a friend who always has time for you.

I’m not the only one.

Making films, making sense, making memories….it all costs money. Support an artist today, and support this one if you’re so inclined.

TED | Picturing Excess

Before you check out the TED video, go here for late breaking typographic-economic news.

Seattle-based photographic artist, Chris Jordan, does an amazing job of showing us why we can’t use disposable cups any more. He creates  arresting (and artistic)  images of mass consumption to visually communicate the excess in our culture and the consequences of our unconscious behaviors.  Barbies,  prison uniforms, cigarettes. He’s found a way to use them all.

And the paper cups? 40 million a day. And yes, now I am paying attention.