Posts Tagged 'letterpress'

bike art to go

I live in one of the most bicycle-friendly towns in America, Davis CA, and pretty much adore all things bicycle. Including these posters.

Eleanor Grosch at Poster Cabaret.

Stumptown Printing at Buy Olympia.

Jackson Creek Press.

Hero Design Studio.

The Keep Calm Shop on Etsy.

From Small Stakes, via BB Blinks.

heart art

Just because. I heart letterpress, and designers who find a different way to tell the same story.

From Sycamore Street Press.

From Felt+Wire, Roll and Tumble Press.

Sarah Utter at

buy:design | letterpress for christmas

More wonderful, fabulous, really delightful letterpress posters for anyone on your list who loves art, especially affordable art. Can’t miss gifts (and if you don’t have anyone on your list, feel free to purchase any of these for me).

From Roll & Tumble Press.

From Keep Calm Gallery.

From Because Studio.

From Yee Haw Industries.

There, didn’t that make you happy just seeing those? Multiply your happiness, and keep craft alive.

re:treat | make your own path


Hand letterpressed by Doug Wilson on vintage maps. Each one is different. From the Keep Calm Gallery. I love type, letterpress, maps, and the concept of the designer (and especially the project manager) as the pathfinder.

Yes, I do need this.


For the love of print | Grafica Fildalga

The smell of fresh ink, the sound of the presses. It’s good, isn’t it? If a pressroom makes you swoon, meet Brazilian printers, Grafica Fildalga.

Grafica Fildalga, in São Paulo, makes posters on a 1929 German letterpress using hand-carved wooden letters. This video documents the three friends who make up Grafica Fildalga as they create the a poster commissioned by

Called “lambe lambe,” the lightweight paper used for the posters was designed for wheat-pasting and, before São Paulo’s “clean city” initiative, could be found throughout the city. Thanks to the gallery Choque Cultural, who regularly makes posters for their shows with Grafica Fildalga, they’ve been able to stay alive but they could still use more help. Go ahead, hire them. Email the gallery’s director Edu (esaretta [at] gmail [dot] com).

Thanks to Swiss Miss for the introduction and the link. Now I believe I will open a bottle of wine and watch the video again. I can almost smell the ink.